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My name is Tom Green. I started playing Pickleball several years ago after the repeated attempts from a friend to give it a try. My initial thoughts were “Pickleball? Kind of a weird name for anything I might like” but because I promised I would, I tried it.

I’m not sure if I was hooked after the first time or if it took a few sessions but I know it didn’t take long. Before I knew it I was researching the origin of the game, paddles, balls, nets, rules and strategies. I tend to be a researcher, Google and I spend a lot of time together when I get interested in something. I’ve learned a lot about Pickleball along the way and I’m sure I’ll learn much more going forward.

Why Play Pickleball Over Tennis?


The world is becoming more and more aware of Pickleball every day.
When I first heard about Pickleball from a friend of mine a few years ago
my response was “what’s Pickleball?”. As I get more involved with the
game and speak to other people about it a high percentage of the
responses are exactly what mine was “what’s Pickleball?”.

You have found this page so my guess is you already know the what? You
have probably seen it played or played it yourself, maybe many times. The
question this article will attempt to answer is why a person would want to
play Pickleball instead it’s much higher profile cousin Tennis?

We will go through many of the logistical, social, economic and health
reasons and see if you end up where I did.


Pickleball adjustments in the covid-19 age


Before I get into this topic let me say this virus is horrible! It is taking many lives, making others very sick and it is crushing the economy worldwide. There are so many more important things that we as humans are dealing with currently and will need to navigate going forward. Doing our best to stop or at least slow the spread of Covid-19 should be all of our top priorities. Please don’t take this as advocating putting yourself or others at risk by disregarding any local or country mandates. Pickleball as well as other sports and entertainment can wait if need be. Having said that at some point sooner or later we will want to get out and enjoy some recreation again, doing so as safely as possible is the goal here.

Covid-19 is here now and probably for the foreseeable future. At least until something drastically changes like a vaccine discovery or some other mitigation is invented. The Pickleball world (and just about every other sports, gathering and entertainment activity) has changed and it will be quite some time until something resembling “normal” returns.

The Pickleball pimp


I recently met and have since taken some Pickleball lessons from a very accomplished local player named Doug Koch. He is a 5.0 player with quite a playing resume and from what I’ve seen a knack for imparting what he’s learned along the way to others. He goes by the nickname “The Pickleball Pimp” for his ability to put playing partners together. He gives individual and group lessons, puts on clinics and sells a little equipment all with the goal of financing his Pickleball addiction. I recently had a chat with him about a host of Pickleball subjects. I thought it may be interesting.


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